Curiosity is both the gift and the burden of entrepreneurship...
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- My journey building, a discovery tool for ChatGPT plugins. Learn how Next.js, MongoDB Atlas, Mongoose, Chakra UI, and TailwindCSS came together to form the ideal tech stack.
- Loyalty programs are stuck in the past. What if your points were actual tokens? Trade them, swap them, maybe even sell them – it's blockchain's next big move. Customers gain power, companies gain data, and loyalty starts to look way more appealing. I see the future of rewards being minted on a blockchain.
- Here's a blog post of my Cockpunch NFT AI Art submission. I used my own NFT (#2017) as the starting point...
- It’s important for Indie Hackers looking to build micro-saas products to have a reliable tech stack that they feel comfortable with. Here’s the tech stack that I currently use to prototype new projects quickly…