As I gear up for some big things in 2021, I wanted to create a centralized portfolio website with links out to all of my various side-projects. I really like seeing people share those spreadsheets with a timeline of all their side projects, and I think I'll probably still do something like that here, but I also wanted a standalone website to really showcase the quality of my projects. My goal is to one day for a company around this SchoonLabs branding, and use it as an umbrella company over my various endeavours. Until then, check out some of the exciting projects I'm working on!
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- This perfectly sums up my life, and I have had such a hard time explaining that to people...— Dan Schoonmaker (@DanSchoonmaker) November 25, 2020
- I'm just glad I got to live long enough to experience some Star Wars-type technology
- Some friends recently reached out to me for help creating an MVP (minimum viable product) for a software idea they had to help families share information. I spent a bunch of time this Saturday hacking away at some new features for that app.
Coming soon at!